Usage Guidelines

Town Park / Phillips Field / Parklands / Bath House-Town Beach


In the event of scheduling conflicts, use of Park Dept. fields and courts will be prioritized in the following order:
  1. Hopedale Park & Recreation Dept.
  2. Hopedale School Dept. (activities and sports teams sanctioned by the school department)
  3. Hopedale In-Town Youth Sports Programs (Soccer, Soccer, Baseball ). Pre-determined fees apply.

Usage requests for a field or venue not pre-scheduled in a facilities calendar will be granted in order of prioritization. Activities associated with sanctioned, organized league play must adhere to usage guidelines and have a pre-approved usage application from the Park Commission. This includes games, practices, tournaments, appreciation days, etc.

  • Park Department sports fields and courts are not available for commercial use, or for use by exclusive, elite sports leagues (AAU, MAple soccer etc.)

51% Minimum Hopedale Residency Requirement  (3)  

Due to high demand for town playing fields, approved leagues or groups requesting field use must maintain a Hopedale-based roster where the majority, 51% or more, of the players on a team, or in an instructional program are Hopedale residents. Teams comprised of less than 51% Hopedale residents or teams that fail to submit an accurate roster to the Park Commission will not be accepted. 51% requirement applies to individual teams created or formed under the umbrella of in-town-based organizations - regardless if that overall organization meets the requirement. Organizations agree to provide the Park Dept. with accurate, up-to-date rosters upon request. Should a team's roster drop below the 51% requirement for an individual, specifically- scheduled game, or should a team fall below during the course of a season, the Park Commission is to be notified immediately. Teams involved in league play must be run by an adult over the age of 18. To insure that usage guidelines have been read and understood, an initialed copy of the Usage Guidelines will also be returned with the signed application. Park Commission can use discretion at anytime for usage on a case by case basis when over the 51% threshold. Pre-authorization is required.

Signed Agreement & Usage Fee (ALL)  

Organized leagues/groups must sign and return a Field Usage Agreement plus pre-designated usage fee – along with written proof of insurance, before a season or specific-requested event commences. Facility use is restricted to the intended and applied use, (i.e. tennis courts may only be used for tennis, etc.), unless pre-approved by the Board.

Liability Insurance Binder (ALL)

All organizations, sports leagues and commercial vendors MUST  present current/valid proof of insurance certificate - specifically waiving the Town of Hopedale and the Park Commission from any incurred liability. Failure to meet and maintain this requirement will result in immediate termination of usage privileges with no refund of collected fees/deposits.

Scheduling and Scheduling Conflicts (1, 2, 3)

Organized leagues/groups will provide an advance copy of their season schedule for inclusion on the Park Dept. web page This should include activity at all fields required and include additional events such as playoffs, family days, regularly scheduled practices, and tournament play. Conflicts arising where schedules have not been provided in advance to the Park Dept. will be resolved via the Prioritization schedule above. Usage fee does not supersede Prioritization for non-scheduled event conflicts.   
Modifications to the terms, conditions and guidelines in this document require unanimous vote of the Park Commission. -Revised 11/07