I was injured at work. Where can I find information on Worker's Compensation?

 Information on Town and School Employees Workers Related Illnesses and Injuries


For more information on Commonwealth of Massachusetts Workers Compensatoion Benefits (please click) Information on Workers Compensation for Injured Workers

Temporary Benefits may include;
  • You qualify for benefits if your injury or illness leaves you unable to work for 6 or more full or partial calendar days; they do not have to be consecutive.
  • Benefits are 60% of your gross average weekly wage of the 52 weeks prior to your injury date.  The maximum you can receive per week is the state's average weekly wage (SAWW) at the time of your injury.
  • You can receive benefits for 156 weeks.  Compensation begins on the 6th day of disability.  You will not be paid for the first five days unless you cannot work for 21 calendar days or more; days do not have to be consecutive.
  • You qualify if you are able to work but earn less because of your illness or injury.  This may include any injury that forces you to take a lower paying job or work fewer hours.
  • The maximum weekly benefit is 75% of your weekly total temporary benefits (Temporary total benefits are 60% of your gross average weekly wage).
  • You can receive benefits for up to 260 weeks.
Permanent and Total Incapacity Benefits may include;
  • You qualify for benefits if you are totally and permanently unable to do any kind of work as a result of a work-related injury or illness.
  • You do not have to exhaust your temporary benefits before applying for permanet benefits.
  • Benefits are 66% of your gross average wiikly wage.
  • the minimum you can collect is 20% of the (SAWW) at the time of injury.
  • You also get a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment).
  • You can receive benefits for as long as you are disabled.
Medical Benefits may include;
  • You qualify for medical benefits if you suffer a work-related illness or injury that requires medical attention **Health Insurance will not cover work-related expenses.
  • Items include - adequate and medical care, prescription reimbursement, mileage reimbursement for travel to and from medical visits.
  • The employer has the right to send you to a health care provider of their choice.  Following the first visit, you may choice your own health care provider.  The insurer has the right to send you for periodic medical evaluations.
  • Service are covered for as long as you require care due to your illness or injury.
  • The insurer can stop treatment, if they believe the treatment is no longer necessary.   You have the right to appeal the decision with the DIA.
  • Once your claim has been reported to the workers compensation insurer, they must issue you an insurance card with the claim number and contact information on it.  You should bring this card with you to all medical appointments that relate to your work related illness or injury.

What to do if you sustained a Work related Illness or Injury while working for the Town of Hopedale

  • If you have a work related illness or injury while at work, please  complete the attached Medical Only Form and submit it to the Town Administrator's Office sbrouwer@hopedale-ma.gov
  • Please be sure to complete the attached billing form and provide copies to any medical provider who treat you for your work related illness/injury.  Please do not use your health insurance card as the health claim will be denied.
  • If you miss any work, you must provide a Doctor's note to the Town Administrator's Office, stating that you are out of work due to a work related injury and listing the date you may return to work.  
  • You may not return to work without a written doctor's note.
  • If you miss more than (5) days work, you must notify the Town Administrator's office sbrouwer@hopedale-ma.gov, so that additional paperwork can be filed with the State of Massachusetts.
  • If you are out of work and have questions regarding your employee benefits during your absence, please contact the Payroll Clerk dlamphere@hopedale-ma.gov
The Town of Hopedale Worker's Compensation Insurer
Massachusetts Education & Government Association (MEGA)
55 Walkers Brook Drive, Suite 402
Reading, MA 01867
Ph: (781) 683-1104  Fax: (781) 440-2291


